Daily Head Voices on Tuesday 2023-12-26

  • I thought I was done, but no, I had to spend more time chasing corner cases and learning more tricks for https://github.com/cpbotha/org-roam-to-apple-notes
    • If you need to escape a single quote ' within a single-quoted string for bash, zsh and some friends, remember $'-quoting. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/16605140/532513 for more
    • Apple iCloud and Notes have great difficulty with folders suddenly containing 1800 notes. Not yet sure where exactly the comfort threshold is. Had to nuke the org-roam folder in Apple Notes and start over with a smaller subset of my notes. Due to this, implemented optional “export only org-roam notes modified within the last N days” feature.
  • Lovely day conclusion braaiing with friends.