His name was Wilberforce Mosuli Manjathi

Die kind _Die kind is nie dood nie die kind lig sy vuiste teen sy moeder wat Afrika skreeu skreeu die geur van vryheid en heide in die lokasies van die omsingelde hart Die kind lig sy vuiste teen sy vader wat Afrika skreeu skreeu die geur van geregtigheid en bloed in die strate van sy gewapende trots Die kind is nie dood nie nóg by Langa nóg by Nyanga

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More Human than Human

Unfortunately, even Google yields very little about the San Persistence Hunt. Kalahari Bushmen (the San) still practise this very ancient form of hunting where the hunter will run his, usually antelope, prey to exhaustion. David Attenborough documented this in one of his “The Life of Mammals” programs. (Thanks Martin!) From this programme synopsis: There are only four men on Earth who can run a kudu antelope to its death. They are Kalahari bushmen, and this persistence hunt is thought to link modern humans to the earliest form of human hunting.

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Two more reasons why Italians are the happiest people in the world

Bruschetta Chop up two or three ripe Roma tomatoes, the best you can find. Chop some red onions and fresh basil. Add it all to a bowl, add some of the best extra virgin olive oil you have and mix it all up with freshly ground black pepper. Get some ciabatta or similar (any nice potentially toasty base), rub with a bit of that extra virgin olive and oil and put it in the oven to toast litely (220 degrees celsius should be about fine).

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More ITK goodness

I hacked like a crazy man this weekend in Germany on my heavy-weight laptop (lovingly known as “stoeptegel” around these parts). It seems to have been worth it though. Now let’s wait for the flamage… :)

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Uptime schmuptime

My trusty home firewall is getting a new kernel, because I need CONFIG_FILTER for the dhcp server and in my case it’s not modularised. This means I’ll lose this very respectable uptime: monster:~# uptime 23:00:07 up 142 days, 22:00, 2 users, load average: 1.09, 0.81, 0.39<br/> *sniff*

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Matrix Ping Pong

Yes, I am definitely the last person on the internet to hear about it, but you just have to see this brilliant piece of performance art. Make sure to watch it to the end. Unfortunately, you need something that can play streaming Windows Media… This is the actual ASX file that gets the streaming started and this is the MMS URL.

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Read this, especially the tips at the end. I find it shocking that this is considered normal and I hope that these criminal idiots all die horribly painful and undignified deaths. This has been said often enough, but criminality is one of the major factors preventing SA from becoming paradise on earth.

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